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Community Supported Bakery


Our CSB first pickup date will be Oct 8th 2021 and you will receive an email for your date and time pickup.

What is a Community Supported Bakery?

A Community Supported Bakery (CSB) is a locally based investment system.  Neighboring community members invest in our bakery in exchange for fresh baked goods through a subscription program.  This investment helps us with startup capitol in order to get our business off the ground and our doors open.  In return you get access to fresh baked goods on a weekly or bi weekly bases.

“Together, we create!” on brick wall_edited.jpg
Image by Austin Ban

Why do we need CSB support?

Our building was built in 1940 with the last major renovation in 1980. All of our electrical, plumbing, and HVAC is seriously out dated and not up to code or regulations and needs to be removed completely. The interior has to be completely demolished and open up to accommodate a bakery. Windows, floors, ceilings, walls, lighting, and light fixtures all need to be replaced. Our air conditioner and heater both need to be replaced as well as a ventilation system needs to be installed including a industrial hood and fire system. Basically we are starting from scratch just on the building in order to get it up to code so we can become a bakery.

What we have invested

Moving from a small home kitchen to a full blown store front comes at a hefty price tag.  The purchase of the building as well as investing in upgrading all of our equipment to commercial grade was budgeted in our business plan but the additional unexpected cost to have to "start over" on the building has well surpassed our expectations two folds..  We are doing all of the demolition and renovations with our own hands while perfecting our baked goods in order to bring the best products to our wonderful small town.

Image by Nadya Spetnitskaya
Image by Mae Mu

The Perks of becoming a CSB Member

Every Raddberry's CSB member gets to enjoy our baked good before our doors even open!  BONUS:  You will also get an exclusive invite to our private CSB Members Only Facebook group where you will get to see sneak peeks of what we are working on in our bakery, Special invites to come in and sample some of our new products, Participate in surveys for our menu and what we may serve in the bakery, and more. You will also receive discounts on subscription baskets, Merchandise, and in store purchases, plus more exciting perks to come!  With your membership you will be a part of bringing the Bakery to Avoca.

How it Works

We have created a tier program where you decide how much you want to help and what baked goods you would like to receive.  Every week I will bake up a fresh batch of bread and package your order to be picked up on a designated day that week at our shop.  You can choose from 1, 3, 6, and 12 month subscriptions.  All payments must be made prior to baking day in order to receive your baked goods that week.  Don't worry if you are not available on certain weeks.  You can notify us before baking day and we will send you a coupon for another week or to double up on a special week.  You can also share your week with Friends and family so they can enjoy fresh baked bread as well!

Image by Mae Mu
CSB: Projects
CSB: Text
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